frieze issue 70
In the new issue of frieze, Bruce Hainley examines the recent collaboration between Keith Edmier and Farrah Fawcett by setting a Pop Quiz. A starter:
Keith Edmier and Farrah Fawcett, 2000 , is an example of:
a) The intensification of the blurring of entertainment and culture
b) The delusions of love
c) The beauty of belief, sincerity and happiness
d) Folie à deux on a grand scale
e) The conservatism of so-called cutting-edge art
f) Post-Warholian exuberance, rule-breaking, and potential for contemporary art
If Keith Edmier and Farrah Fawcett, 2000, can be said to provide a theory of love, after looking at it one could conclude:
a) It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
b) Love is blind
c) What’s love got to do with it?
d) Love is a battlefield
e) Love is the drug
f) What the world needs now is love
There are another 18 questions plus: Jennifer Higgie on Beatriz Milhazes, James Roberts on Takashi Murakami, Dale McFarland on Jean-Frederic Schnyder, Tom Morton on Roger Hiorns, Lars Bang Larsen on Henrik Olesen and Michael Wilson on Olav Westphalen.
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