Application deadline: December 27, 2021, 11:59pm
Los Prados, 121
33203 Gijón Asturias
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–7:30pm,
Saturday 11am–7:30pm
T +34 985 18 55 77 /
For the post of Manager-Director, LABoral is looking for a professional with wide-ranging experience in the field of the Arts and Humanities or cultural management to continue developing LABoral’s transversal and multidisciplinary programming, as well as to build local, national and international collaborative networks, paying special attention to strengthening the centre’s relationship with the artistic and cultural sector in Asturias.
The selection process will consist of three phases: assessment of merits, presentation of a project and interview.
The Manager-Director must have a university degree in the Arts and Humanities or in Cultural Management, as well as experience in at least one of the following fields: contemporary art practices, management of cultural projects, participation in local, national or international cultural cooperation and communication networks and/or in economic management and fund raising for cultural projects. In addition, familiarity with the current art world in Asturias shall also be taken into consideration.
Applicants, who should be fluent in Spanish and in English, must present a project which includes an analysis of the duties of the post and proposals for improvement, based on the functions and responsibilities specified in the definition of the post, as well as the competences, structure and goals of the foundation in the framework of the public sector. The project must also propose specific goals and actions in the area of the contents and artistic direction of the art centre.
The duties of the Manager-Director are the management and artistic direction of Fundación La Laboral. Centro de Arte, Creación Industrial y Promoción Cultural, the development of a programming strategy for the art centre’s various areas: exhibitions, production and research residencies, education and public programme, as well as the art centre’s communication and promotion strategy; and also to lead the development of a theoretical discourse within the framework of the LABoral project, defining its conceptual lines.
Candidates may apply for the post before December 27, 2021, by forwarding the documentation detailed below, preferably in one single PDF file, to the following email address: secretario [at] or by certified mail to the postal address:
LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial
Los Prados 121
33203 Gijón, Asturias, Spain
–Consent clause with regard to protection of personal data, in accordance with the model in Annex I of terms and conditions.
–Employment record updated to the application date.
–Declaration stating the candidate has not been dismissed for service by public state, regional, local or institutional organizations, nor has been declared ineligible for the exercise of public functions.
More information available at