Announcing the preview launch of Brigata Italia!
Brigata Italia
Brigata Italia
issue.00 summer 2001
Announcing the preview launch of Brigata Italia!
Brigata Italia is a center of digital gravity for people interested in participating in the critical dialogue concerning design issues today.
It is a container where provocative and innovative projects are showcased, compelling information is shared and critical dialogue is initiated.
Each season brings a new issue of Brigata Italia while activities and initiatives will continually be renewed and contributions integrated.
We are blasting off with a summer preview issue. Why? Because summer is a good season to let loose and get our feet wet. So go and have a look at our PROTO-BRIGATA and get ready for the first issue coming out this fall. We openly invite your comments and participation.
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Buon divertimento!
Brigata Italia is an FDTdesign project.