03 October 2000
De Appel
Invitation for Tuesday Evening presentations at De Appel, October 2000
October 3, 8-10 pm: Experience & Economy
Experimental Jetset, graphic designers, Amsterdam; Annemieke Roobeek, professor of Management of Complexity at the University of Amsterdam and Nijenrode University
October 10, 8-10 pm: Brand & Styling
Joke Robaard, artist, Amsterdam; Marie-Lou Witmer, brand strategy manager, Haarlem
October 17, 8-10 pm: Image & Decision
Liam Gillick, artist and critic, London, U.K.; Wim Michels, director HALLO academy, postgraduate school for Applied Creativity, Amsterdam
Exploding Aesthetics is a project of L&B (Lier en Boog) Series of Philosophy of Art and Art Theory, in collaboration with De Appel.
Publication: Exploding Aesthetics, L&B 16. Moderator: Annette W. Balkema (L&B editor)
Martijn Kramer
De Appel
Nieuwe Spiegelstraat 10
NL – 1017 DE Amsterdam
t: 020 6255651
f: 020 6225215
e: press@deappel.nl