In three thematic parts
June 17–November 26, 2023
Activation day: June 17, 11am–6pm
From June 17–November 26, 2023, Driving the Human is presenting the culmination of three years of collaboration, research and experimentation at ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe. The seven protypes for eco-social renewal, that have been developed over the course of the three-year long artistic and scientific collaboration project, will be on display at ZKM in conjunction with the exhibition Renaissance 3.0., accompanied by an activation program at ZKM, HfG Karlsruhe, and the city.
In the twenty-first century, the focus on the symbiosis of human and more-than-human beings is changing our understanding of what life means. Interdisciplinary collaborations between art, science, and technology have become more and more relevant in dealing with issues such as the social impact of global warming, energy cycles, technology-driven disruptions, the impact of collective decision making, and new processes of exchanging values and objects. Driving the Human critically investigates the interconnectedness of humans, more-than-humans, and the environment, as well as the question of how all living beings can survive through collaborations.
The seven final prototypes materialized in different ways—from multimedia installations to designed objects, architectural models to interactive games, video works and websites. These are now being presented for public discussion in various contexts. At ZKM, the seven prototypes can be experienced in three parts, each part pairing projects in related themes:
June 17–July 30, 2023
Non-Human Perspectives: Sharing, Shaping, Sensing Habitats
alternaa (Andra Pop-Jurj and Lena Geerts Danau), Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North
Anne-Sofie Belling, Bea Delgado Corrales, Romy Kaiser and Paula Nerlich, Human-Bacteria Interfaces: An Exploration of The Present and Future Of Human-Microbial Ecosystems
August 12–September 24, 2023
Sharing Knowledge on Common Ground
Akwasi Bediako Afrane, Trons’R’Us
Eliana Otta, Virtual Sanctuary for Fertilizing Mourning
Vincent Rumahloine and Mang Dian, Sedekah Benih
October 7–November 26, 2023
Speculative Ecosystems and Interspecies Collaborations
Xiaoyu Iris Qu, Do AIs Dream of Climate Chaos: Symbiotic AI
Hyeseon Jeong and Seongmin Yuk, The Backpack of Wings
The interactive prototypes and participatory program—starting with activation days on all three opening Saturdays—are an invitation to explore, to get involved, and to connect with each other and other living beings for new ways of envisioning and inhabiting the world in the future.
On Saturday, June 17, 2023, the first part will open with an activation day featuring a book launch of the Driving the Human publication, a workshop, conversations and tours.
The full details about each event will be released closer to its dates here or sign up to our newsletter and follow us on social media for the latest updates.
Exhibition at ZKM
Curator: Sarah Donderer
Curatorial Assistant: Nina Liechti
Technical Project Manager: Felix Pausch
Conservation: Leonie Roeck
Mediation: Janine Burger, Alexandra Hermann
Driving the Human has been initiated by Forecast, and further developed in continuous conversations between Freo Majer with Jan Boelen (Atelier LUMA), Martina Schraudner
(Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation (CeRRI)), and the curatorial team of ZKM.
Project Coordinator: Nikola Joetze
Program Coordinator: Vera Sacchetti
Communication and press: Inês Revés
Production Assistant: Sarah Lipszyc
Project Assistant: Rabea Kaczor
Driving the Human visual identity and website: Studio Yukiko
About the project Driving the Human.
From 2020 to 2023, the scientific and artistic collaboration Driving the Human became a catalyst for experimentation, shaping sustainable, and collective futures that combine science, technology, and the arts in a transdisciplinary and collaborative approach. Jointly led by four partner institutions—acatech, National Academy of Science and Engineering; the mentorship platform Forecast; the HfG Karlsruhe; and ZKM | Karlsruhe—Driving the Human produced seven tangible prototypes responding to complex contemporary scenarios.
For more information about the exhibition at ZKM:
For media enquiries, please contact: Felix Brenner, felix.brenner [at] / T +49 (0) 721 8100-1821)