September 2–7, 2023
s/n - Ibirapuera
Parque Ibirapuera - Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral
São Paulo-
The International Biennial Association (IBA) is pleased to announce that our 10th General Assembly will be hosted by Fundação Bienal de São Paulo during the opening days of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo—choreographies of the impossible.
The theme and title of the 10th General Assembly will be “What Are Our Responsibilities?”
We as IBA, after a decade of meetings, discussions and reflection on the biennial model, felt necessary to reflect not only on “Why Biennials”, the title of our first General Assembly, but also on how: key to this is a reflection on sustainability, fostering a culture of collaboration rather than competition and supporting biennials facing increasing pressure from hostile political environments.
We understand that for this institutional model to remain relevant, it is essential to start defining our responsibilities towards the artists, curators, staff members and, more generally, the communities which are crucial for the realization of the exhibitions and artworks realized by our members.
One of our most important goals is to work towards a sustainable model for biennials for them to become contemporary institutions, rather than just institutions producing and displaying contemporary art. To achieve this, we realize the need to define our duties through a common charter to act as a guide for our members and the biennial network as a whole.
Reaffirming our dedication to plurality and giving voice to all our members, the 10th General Assembly in São Paulo will give us all ample time to discuss this document and usher in a new and important phase for biennials and for IBA.
Why participate?
The engagement, contribution and participation of all its members have made it possible for IBA to become a space of continuous dialogue on the role of biennials in our societies. IBA has explored the ways in which the model developed and continues to do so, adapting to the challenges and new sensitivities in the arts and society through a series of talks, events and conferences.
IBA is first and foremost a community and as such its most important quality lies in the possibility of gathering and discussing together, to provide support, advice and collaborative structures to each of its member organizations. Throughout the last decade and together with its members, IBA has developed cooperation programs between biennials, acted as an advocacy platform for biennials in need and provided a platform for biennials to showcase their projects while at the same time building a valuable archive.
For any questions regarding this IBA event please don’t hesitate to contact us at info [at] and keep updated via the website:
For information and updates about the 35th Bienal de São Paulo, please visit their website.
To facilitate the organization of the event as well as make sure the IBA and Fundação Bienal de São Paulo are aware of your needs we invite you to RSVP.
Those intending to attend the 10th General Assembly and the 35th Bienal de São Paulo may find practical information about the biennial here.
Attendees are requested to arrive before September 2nd to ensure that they will be able to take part in all events.
Saturday, September 2
20th board meeting
IBA 10th General Assembly Focus Groups
Sunday, September 3
Encounter with the President of Fundação Bienal de São Paulo
IBA Stage: 35th Bienal de São Paulo
IBA 10th General Assembly Formalities
Post-General Assembly Board Meeting
Monday, September 4
Pre-opening of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo
Tuesday, September 5
Opening of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo (Professionals)
Wednesday, September 6
Opening of the 35th Bienal de São Paulo (Public)
Thursday, September 7
Further details about the programme will be made public through our website. Though unlikely, the information presented above is subject to change.