Special projects for 30th edition

Special projects for 30th edition


Design: FIONDA.

October 20, 2023
Special projects for 30th edition
November 3–5, 2023

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Artissimathe only fair in Italy with an exclusive focus on contemporary art—will return in Turin from November 3–5.

The unique character of Artissima stems from its dual approach, combining a market-oriented event of very high quality with a cultural program capable of investigating constantly new and different ways of experiencing art. An expansion into the city in concentric circles of what happens at the fair and a further opportunity for visibility for the participating galleries.

New Entries BAR: Artissima launches New Entries BAR, a special fair project curated by Cripta747. New Entries BAR creates the atmosphere of a welcoming, interactive open piazza, which triggers processes, tests new formats for presenting works and connects the public with the New Entries section galleries. Supported by the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Artissima is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary by launching IDENTITY, a three-year pathway focusing on the fair’s identifying features, which includes New Entries BAR and IDENTITY Fund for New Entries, a fund to support the three galleries in the section.

Beyond Production Symposium: Third episode of the Beyond Production planning platform. Conceived in 2021 to reflect on the relationship between new technologies and contemporary art and promoted by the Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, in 2023 it is presenting Symposium, a conference with exceptional international speakers held at the OGR Torino and open to all art lovers. The works of the two previous winners of the OGR Award will be presented at an institutional stand in the fair: the NFT Counting Frame (2022) by Damon Zucconi as part of Surfing NFT and Semilla SAGRADA (2023), a physical and virtual work by Rebeca Romero in the context of METAmorphosis.

In town 
The human condition at Gallerie d’Italia, Torino: Intesa Sanpaolo has confirmed its support for the new edition of Artissima, as the fair’s Main Partner. The second edition of the program of artists’ films and videos is organized in collaboration with Gallerie d’Italia – Torino. The immersive space of the museum will host The human condition, an exhibition curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, a selection of video works, many of which have never been shown in Italy, features pieces by artists who are represented by galleries taking part in Artissima.

Where traces fade away at City center: Works from the collection of Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT. Supported and based on the intention of Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT to underline the value of its collection, with curating by Artissima, Where traces fade away is a pathway through five sites in the centre of Torino: Palazzo Perrone di San Martino—headquarters of Fondazione CRT and Fondazione per l’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea CRT, with Francesco Gennari /  Palazzo Madama – Museo Civico d’Arte Anticawith Peter Friedl /  Museo Nazionale del Risorgimento with Cally Spooner / Teatro Carignano with William Kentridge /  Teatro Regio of Torino with Simon Starling.

Nó na garganta / Knot in the throat at Former Zoo of Torino: In the setting of Parco Michelotti, inside the former Giardino Zoologico di Torino, in collaboration with Città di Torino Artissima presents a work by the Brazilian artist Jonathas de Andrade. The initiative consists in the screening of the work Nó na garganta | Knot in the throat (2022) on the façade of the building that was once the zoo’s giraffe and elephant house. 

All These Fleeting Perfections at Biblioteca Geisser: Produced by EXPOSED Torino Foto Festival, in collaboration with Artissima and the active participation of some of its exhibitors, All These Fleeting Perfections is a group exhibition, curated by Domenico Quaranta, that anticipates several questions that will be explored by the festival in its first edition titled New Landscapes—Nuovi paesaggi

Perché non Lilloni? at Hotel Principi di Piemonte / UNA Esperienze: The ballroom of the historic hotel Principi di Piemonte | UNA Esperienze in the centre of Torino will host, for the fourth time in collaboration with Artissima, a contemporary art exhibition titled Perché non Lilloni?, curated this year by Massimo Minini and his namesake gallery in Brescia.

To discover all the special projects of Artissima 2023 visit the platform artissima.art

We look forward to welcoming you in Turin this fall!

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October 20, 2023

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