HISK Laureates 2023 Exhibition
November 24–December 17, 2023
HISK – Higher Institute for Fine Arts, Gosset site – Building A (first floor)
Gabrielle Petitstraat 4-6
1080 Brussel
Hours: Thursday–Friday 2–6pm,
Saturday–Sunday 12–6pm
The world line of an object is the path that it traces in four-dimensions through a series of spacetime events corresponding to the history of said object. The 2022-2023 HISK artists in residency come from a plethora of cultural environments through which they have formed distinctive trajectories, practices, and methodologies. While each artist has drawn their own world lines and curves in spacetime both before and throughout their residency, different gravitational attractions have inferred the mutual influences of worldlines that can be reciprocally modified by the events, people, spaces, and ideas that they experience and encounter. Over their journey at the HISK, many occasions “mattered” and provided opportunities to explore reciprocal effects and affects. Therefore, the exhibition program is not structured by a theme that attempts to incorporate heterogeneous works, but instead, it proposes a metaphor borrowed from astrophysics that allows underlining the way in which several significant sensitive fields of attraction of our era (namely the ecological, ontological, psychological, social, identity and political crises) can curve the trajectories of the works without absorbing them.
Participating artists: Fabiola Burgos Labra (Chile), Jim Campers (Belgium), Hamed Dehqan (Iran), Maëlle Dufour (Belgium), Maud Gourdon (France), Danielle Kaganov (Israel/Russia), Axel Korban (France), Axelle Lenaerts (Belgium), Paola Siri Renard (France), Jivan van der Ende (The Netherlands) and Yue Yuan (China).
Curated by: Sébastien Pluot
Opening evening & publication
On the occasion of the opening evening, the yearly HISK graduate publication will be unveiled. This year, following the concept of the world line, each of the eleven HISK residents has been invited to create their own publication concept including texts written in collaboration with a guest author. The resulting publications will be available (in limited quantity only) at HISK during the exhibition.
In addition to the opening evening on November 23, a series of artist talks, guest talks and performances will take place on Saturdays, namely December 2, December 9 and December 16.
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