David Reimondo: Cromofonetica

David Reimondo: Cromofonetica


View of David Reimondo, Cromofonetica, 2024. Courtesy of Mazzoleni

March 25, 2024
David Reimondo
March 21–May 31, 2024
Mazzoleni Turin
Piazza Solferino, 2
10121 Turin

Mazzoleni presents the second solo exhibition by David Reimondo (Genoa, 1973; lives and works in Milan), following the success of the exhibition Il muscolo del pensiero è il cervello (The muscle of thought is the brain) in 2019, with Reimondo’s signature series Etimografie.

David Reimondo. Cromofonetica explores the artist’s Cromofonetica, a neologism coined by Reimondo to describe his research into a new and personal theory of colour.

Neuropsychiatric studies and archaeological research have revealed, in recent years, that not only in the moment of birth can we associate meaning with primordial symbols (the stylized shapes of a face, for example: two points and a straight line arranged in an oval), but that man was a pictor, before sapiens: the Neanderthals were already using colours and pictograms, proving that shapes and colours are the basis of pre-verbal communication.

Reimondo’s work focuses on the human being. With his consistent research into the body of work Etimografia—another of his neologisms—Reimondo carries out a complex exercise of cultural de-training towards a linguistic tabula rasa that has led him to invent a new sign and phonetic system.

With Cromofonetica therefore, the language is reborn in a new phonetic grammar that, thanks to the use of syllables connected to colour, expresses this new theory of colour and the interaction between them in an intuitive and primordial way. Reimondo’s exhibition presents this new corpus: from  Etimo-Cromofonetica (2019), a large-scale installation work, to Onda Cromofonica (2017) and Colorful (2016), in which the immersion of the viewer’s senses is already total, up to the site-specific works produced for the exhibition in which the sound, visual and intellectual experience reaches its maximum expression, involving and surprising visitors with unexpected presences always linked to the universe of colour.

The exhibition revolves around new artworks dedicated to the protagonists of Art History. Each piece features an open book showcasing a specific work. The artist analyses the works main colours and through the use of a system of speakers placed inside the case that houses the publication, broadcasts its “chromatic description.” This sound possesses a unique and distinctive character for each work, reinstating the artist’s interpretation. Using the Cromofonetica “language,” the artist creates new immersive works, offering a new way to experience these volumes and the works depicted in them.

On the occasion of the exhibition, the first monograph dedicated to David Reimondo will be published. 

DAVID REIMONDO. Cromofonetica
March 21–May 31, 2024
Mazzoleni, Piazza Solferino, 2, 10121 Torino
T (+39) 011.534473 / email: torino [​at​] mazzoleniart.com
Gallery hours: Tuesday–Saturday: 10am–1pm / 3:45–7:15pm. Sunday and Monday by appointment.

Press office: Lucile Brun. Email: lucile [​at​] mazzoleniart.com / T (+39) 340.0664675

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March 25, 2024

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