70190 Stuttgart
With the Merz Akademie’s targeted interest in the disciplines of art, design, the humanities and technology, the nationally accredited, non-profit University of applied Arts, Design and Media, positions itself as an innovative place of learning and research between a traditional art academy, a university of applied sciences and a department of humanities. The Merz Akademie was founded in 1918 by the architect and reform pedagogue Albrecht Leo Merz. State recognition of the then newly established, non-profit Merz Akademie by the state of Baden-Württemberg followed 1985. Today, the University of applied Arts, Design and Media offers accredited Bachelor and Master degree programmes n the areas of Film and Video, Visual Communication and New Media as well as engaging in diverse research and publication activities. The Merz Akademie and its programmes are committed to both an advanced understanding of media authorship and the demands of professional skills in the broad field between art and media technology.