May 31–June 3, 2016
Opening: Thursday, June 2, 6–8pm
Rogue Space
508 W 26th Street
New York, NY 10001
Featured artists:
Michael Benedetti, Heather Foster, Miranda Maynard, Erin Mazzei, Courtney McCracken, Ryan McCullough, Drema Montgomery, Saegan Moran, Aaron Obenza, Michael Ross, Spence Townsend, Vivienne Varay, Yongxi Wang, and Janelle Young.
The Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia is pleased to present a selection of work by the graduating MFA class at Rogue Space in Chelsea. Featuring art executed in a variety of media across a provocative array of subject matter, this exhibition reflects the Dodd’s commitment to diversity, as well as the conviction, shared by its faculty and students, that art generates ideas, which, in turn, generate our future.
The exhibition is on view from May 31–June 2 and is made possible by the generous support of the Lupin Foundation.