Frontier Imaginaries Ed.No3
October 18–22, 2017
e-flux, Frontier Imaginaries, and Columbia University are pleased to announce the full program for this week’s TOXIC ASSETS, an exhibition and public seminar featuring dance, poetry, art installations, screenings, and talks.
The project marks the arrival of art and research initiative Frontier Imaginaries to New York City as a guest of e-flux lectures and Columbia University’s Ruth S. Biermann Memorial Meetings—for a five-day program from October 18–22.
Please note that Wednesday’s opening program at Columbia University Cinema Assets is fully booked. An additional program featuring the Karrabing Film Collective and indigenous filmmakers Adam and Zack Khalil will be hosted at UnionDocs on Thursday, October 19.
All events hosted at e-flux Friday through Sunday, October 20–22 will stream live on and on e-flux’s Ustream channel.
Tickets to the e-flux program can be booked online through Eventbrite.
Wednesday, October 18 | Cinema Assets
Columbia University
612 Schermerhorn Hall
New York, NY 10027 (directions)
6pm: Screening of Karrabing Film Collective, When the Dogs Talked (2014), 34 minutes; Miguel Coyula, Blue Heart (Corazón azul), film-in-development (2017), 34 minutes; Jasmina Metwaly and Philip Rizk, Out on the Street (2015), 71 minutes, excerpt selected by Adania Shibli; Haneen Odetalla, Disobedience (2017), 5 minutes, selected by Adania Shibli
7pm: Moderated conversation with the Karrabing Film Collective (Gavin Bianamu, Sheree Bianamu, Rex Edmunds, Ethan Jorrock, Natasha Bigfoot Lewis, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Rex Sing, Linda Yarrowin), Miguel Coyula, and guest programmer Adania Shibli
Thursday, October 19
322 Union Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11211
7:30pm: Screening of Karrabing Film Collective, Night Time Go (2017), 30 minutes; and Adam and Zack Khalil, INAATE/SE [it shines a certain way. to a certain place/ it flies. falls./] (2016), 75 minutes, excerpt
Friday, October 20 | Toxic Languages
311 E Broadway
New York, NY 10002
5:30pm: Doors open; exhibition on view, featuring new commissions by Christian Nyampeta, An Infrastructure of Quasi-Events (2017), Elizabeth A. Povinelli, A Requiem to Late Liberalism (with a sound score by Thomas Bartlett and Stefana Fratila, 2017), and Farida Sedoc, FREETOWN LOUNGE (2017); and works by Richard Bell, Embassy (2013–ongoing); Bonita Ely, The Locust People (1974); Gordon Hookey, Hoogah Boogah (2009); Maria Hupfield, Untitled (Slide Show), (2017); Yazan Khalili, I, the Artwork (2016); Alan Michelson, Home in the Wilderness (2012); and Ryan Presley, Crown Land (To the Ends of the Earth), (2016)
6:30pm: Opening note by Brian Kuan Wood, “Creative Class Warfare”
6:45pm: Keynote by Elizabeth A. Povinelli, “Toxic Assets and the Extimacy of Existence”
8pm: Dance performance by Tara Crichlow, “When You Pray, Move Your Feet: The Legacy of Marjory Smarth”
8:30pm: Poetry reading by Demian DinéYazhi’, “An Infected Sun”
8:50pm: Reponse by Gregg Bordowitz and conversation moderated by Vivian Ziherl
Saturday, October 21 | Toxic Properties
311 E Broadway
New York, NY 10002
12pm: Doors open; exhibition on view
Frontier Properties
12:50pm: Artwork by Bonita Ely, The Locust People (1974), pencil on paper
1pm: Paper by Rachel O’Reilly, “Mirror, Curtain, Indemnity?: Settler Topsoil Citizen-Ships, Redacted”
1:20pm: Paper by Cassie Fennell, “Ends of the House”
1:40pm: Conversation moderated by Alan Michelson
Volatile Properties
2:30pm: Presentation by MTL, Decolonize This Place (2017), image and video contribution
2:40pm: Paper by Laura Harris, “Fermentation and the Cut: Gordon Matta-Clark, Martine Barrat, and Vickie Alvarez in the South Bronx”
3pm: Paper by Greg Tate (voiced by Shelly Nicole), “Code Blackety Black On Black Boom Diggety Properties: The Power of Vernacular Cryptologies”
3:20pm: Paper by Jaskiran Dhillon, “Indigenous Youth, Urban Realities, and Toxic Embodiment”
3:40pm: Conversation moderated by Constantina Zavitsanos
Vital Properties
5:25pm: Artwork by Maria Hupfield, Untitled (Slide Show), (2017)
5:40pm: Paper by Angela Mitropoulos (voiced by Max Fox), “The Art and Performance of Life: Movements, Un/Common Forms and Infrastructure”
6pm: Paper by Neferti X. M. Tadiar, “Powers of Expending Life”
6:20pm: Conversation moderated by Simon Leung
Rebellious Properties
7pm: Artwork by Ryan Presley, Crown Land (To the Ends of the Earth), (2016), oil and gold foil on hoop pine
7:10pm: Paper by Jonathan Beller, “Derivative Living Under the Regime of Informatic Subsumption”
7:30pm: Dialogue between Yazan Khalili and David Kim on I, the Artwork (2016)
7:50pm: Conversation moderated by Elizabeth A. Povinelli
Sunday, October 22 | Toxic Sovereignty
311 E Broadway
New York, NY 10002
2pm: Doors open; exhibition on view
3pm: Introduction by Richard Bell, Embassy (2013–onging), tent and synthetic polymer paint on board
3:15pm: Paper by Adania Shibli, “A Play in One Act, and Many More”
3:40pm: Screening of Karrabing Film Collective, Windjarrameru, The Stealing C*nt$ (2015), 37 minutes
4:20pm: Conversation with Richard Bell and Karrabing Film Collective (Gavin Bianamu, Sheree Bianamu, Rex Edmunds, Ethan Jorrock, Natasha Bigfoot Lewis, Elizabeth A. Povinelli, Rex Sing, Linda Yarrowin)
4:40pm: Cinematic Response #1 by Christian Nyampeta
5pm: Cinematic Response #2 by Wendelien van Oldenborgh
5:20pm: Cinematic Response #3 by Julieta Aranda
Abstracts are available on and, and for download here.
TOXIC ASSETS: Frontier Imaginaries Ed.No3 is supported by Columbia University, in particular the Ruth S. Biermann Memorial Meetings, the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy, the Center for Palestine Studies, the Center for Ethnomusicology, and the Department of Anthropology; by e-flux; and by UnionDocs through their workshops program. The program is made possible through funding support from the Australia Council for the Arts and from the Mondriaan Fund.
For more information and press inquiries, contact Andrew Hibbard.