February 1, 2018
FedLev building & Benthem Crouwel building
Fred. Roeskestraat 98
1076 ED Amsterdam
The Netherlands
T +31 20 588 2400
As the postgraduate programme of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie Amsterdam, we offer Master programmes in Fine Arts, Interior Architecture and Design. All programmes are officially licensed and funded by the Dutch Government and are leading to the Master of Arts degree (MA). Please check the latest information on this matter on our website.
With an average of 20 students per programme, we keep our departments relatively small. This allows us to make the course flexible and open to initiatives from students and third parties. The course directors are prominent artists, designers and curators with international practices. They invite (guest) tutors who are able to challenge the students to critically reflect on their profession, their work and their progress.
Departments & programmes open for applications:
Main Departments:
–Critical Studies
–Dirty Art Department
–Fine Arts
–Studio for Immediate Spaces
Temporary Programmes (2018–20):
–Challenging Jewellery
–The Commoners Society
Ongoing Temporary Programmes:
–Shadow Channel
–Radical Cut-Up
–Reinventing Daily Life
–Master of Voice
Ongoing Hosted Programme:
–Master Design of Experiences
For more information and applying to the Sandberg Instituut: sandberg.nl