Call for galleries – participation at ARCOmadrid_2011
We are pleased to inform you that we are now accepting applications for the 30th edition of ARCOmadrid, the International Contemporary Art Fair, to be held from 16th to 20th of February 2011.
The deadline to present application is July 30, 2010.
1) If you were exhibitor at ARCOmadrid_ 2010, you can download the Application form for the next edition of the Fair through the Ifema´s Exhibitor Area on the web page ser expositor/zona de expositores
If you do not remember your password, please contact with Lineaifema:
From Spain 902 122 15 15 / International Calls (+34) 91 722 30 00
2) If you were not exhibitor at ARCOmadrid_ 2010, you can download the Application form for the next edition through the webpage info/forms or by clicking here.
For any queries, kindly contact with
—ARCOmadrid secretariat