Arts Plural
Lab 106, A-Lab
Overhoeksplein 2
1031KS Amsterdam
T +31 20 330 1116
We are delighted to announce our call for contributions for ELIA Biennial Conference 2024, taking place November 20–23 in Milan, Italy, hosted by NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti.
Arts Plural
Artists and designers possess a particular form of intelligence. Although considered powerful in certain circles, artistic intelligence is frequently ill-defined or misread. However, as a system of capacities for perception, insight, sensing, creating, and decision-making, it has been driving human evolution beyond boundaries for centuries. But how do we define artistic intelligence and its possibilities in a contemporary context?
ELIA Biennial 2024 Arts Plural celebrates artistic intelligence. It questions how artistic practitioners, designers, students, and educators can be recognised as agents of change, innovation, and evolution. It asks how arts education can contribute to society in a more pluralistic way. What structures are necessary for artistic intelligence to play a role in addressing planetary problems? Read more.
Together we seek to find new ways to influence transformation in politics, ecology, ethics, technology and sustainability to build inclusive futures based on plural voices. Submit your proposal to present at what is set to be a momentous ELIA event. See you in Milan!
Who can apply
Representatives of ELIA member institutions from all artistic disciplines, such as lecturers, students, researchers, artists, senior managers, administrators, international officers, and supporting and technical staff members, are invited to submit proposals.
Arts and cultural sector professionals who are not in Higher Arts Education are welcome to apply in collaboration with ELIA member institutions. Not an ELIA member? Contact us to find out more about what we offer.
How to apply
Be creative. Your chosen format should stimulate lively debate, enable co-creation, facilitate dialogues, encourage participation and move towards creating a common understanding. Read full call here.
Submission requirements
Presentation title / Format description / Discipline(s) (artistic and/or non-artistic) / A description (max. 300 words) / A two-minute video in which the idea for the contribution is presented / Biography / Technical requests / Contact details. For further information on the application guidelines, please visit the ELIA Biennial Conference website or contact ELIA Conference Manager Janja Škerget at janja.skerget [at]
Submissions should be sent by Monday, January 15, 2024, at the latest.