A project-based fair
31 March – 3 April 2011
Grand Palais
The fair’s strategic director Lorenzo Rudolf explains: “In 2010, we reconfigured the contours of ArtParis for greater openness, suitable for new practices. In 2011 we will continue in that direction by preparing an even more surprising ArtParis, and with quality to match.”
This year, and for the first time in its history, ArtParis is acting on the urban public scene with several events taking place outside the Grand Palais. Among them, “Move For Life” is one of the most surprising. The purpose of Move For Life, an art intervention by Littmann Kulturprojekte (Basel), is to create a dialogue between art and the public through major societal issues… using lorries! As a mobile art intervention against poverty, aids, violence, racism and environmental destruction Move For Life is involving internationally renowned artists – Ben Vautier, Daniele Buetti, Damien Deroubaix, Jochen Gerz, Isabel Muñoz, Robert Rauschenberg, Mark Titchner, and Atelier Van Lieshout—who have conceived artworks around these social issues, with the aim of speaking to each and every one of us.
For the ArtParis event, starting on 1 March 2011, eight utility vehicles covered with works, as giant billboards, will crisscross England, Germany, Spain, France, and Italy to create a direct confrontation between art and the public at large, outside the walls of museums and galleries.
On 30 March, 2011, at 10 AM these lorries will converge on the Grand Palais for the inauguration of ArtParis. Throughout the duration of the event, some of the lorries will remain parked in front of the Grand Palais, while others will drive around Paris for the benefit of Parisians at symbolic sites of the French capital.
And starting on 4 April, the Move For Life lorries will resume their everyday transportation activities through Europe to reach more than 25 million spectators, be they art lovers or not…
Move For Life is a project conceptualized, curated and developed by Littmann Kulturprojekte (Basel) and realized thanks to the partnership with Prévost and Agence de Fab.
To find out more about it:
Open to the public from the March 31 to April 3
Everyday from 11 am until 8 pm, but Monday, April 3 until 6 pm
Preview: Wednesday, March 30
Grand Palais, avenue Winston Churchill, Paris
To find out more about ArtParis its galleries and special projects: