Eighth edition of International Awards for Art Criticism

Eighth edition of International Awards for Art Criticism

Royal College of Art

June 27, 2022
Eighth edition of International Awards for Art Criticism

Application deadline: August 31, 2022
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The eighth edition of the International Awards for Art Criticism (IAAC 8) 2022, is now open to candidates from anywhere in the world writing in Chinese or English about any contemporary art exhibition held anywhere in the world or on-line between 1st January 2021 and 31st August 2022. Candidates will be invited to write a review of 1,500 words or 2,500 Chinese characters on any exhibition of contemporary art. Apply here.

The first prize will consist of a cash award of 10,000 euros or the RMB equivalent of this amount (currently, around 80,000 RMB). Each of the three second prizes will be awarded a cash prize of 3,500 euros or the RMB equivalent of this amount (currently, around 30,000 RMB). The level of the Awards is pegged to a fixed amount in Euro, but international Award winners may choose to be paid either in Euro or in RMB at the official exchange rate on the day that the payment is affected.

The Organising Committee of the International Awards for Art Criticism aims to support independent critical coverage of contemporary art, away from the immediate pressures of the market, media and private patronage. The Awards are to stimulate good writing, critical thinking and dialogue and research in China, the UK and wider afield.

The objectivity of the selection process is underpinned, both by the recognised professionalism of the Chinese and English-speaking jury members and by the strict anonymity of the judging process.

For examples of previously selected entries please visit here. For more information about the awards please visit: iaac-m21.com or contact iaac [​at​] rca.ac.uk

RSVP for Eighth edition of International Awards for Art Criticism
Royal College of Art
June 27, 2022

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