Remembering Sylvère Lotringer

Remembering Sylvère Lotringer

Remembering Sylvère Lotringer
Screening by Sylvère Lotringer and interventions by Penny Arcade, Ames Hodges, and McKenzie Wark

Admission is free; please RSVP as capacity is limited.
Livestream will also be available on this same page.

March 8, 2022, 7pm
172 Classon Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205

Remembering Sylvère Lotringer in e-flux journal, Franco “Bifo” Berardi and Christian Marazzi wrote that he “was not only a brilliant intellectual and a talented publisher, but also a sort of dowser, a diviner of ideas who roamed the territories of art, philosophy, and the margins of social behavior, all to find signs of the future. He was a volcanic organizer of cultural innovation, a radical experimenter in existential adventures, and a wonderful friend.

”The magazine Semiotext(e), which he founded and eventually transformed into a collection of books, has been a bridge between European critical thought and North American radical culture through decades of turmoil and deep transformation in politics and culture. No one has been so daring or extreme in provoking cultural innovation. No one has managed to approach Sylvère’s sense for the relation between aesthetics, sexuality, and culture.

We’ll miss Sylvère because he was a friend. But we’ll also miss him because now, more than ever, we need spiritual adventurers and cultural explorers like him.”

Join us at e-flux Screening Room for an evening remembering Sylvère Lotringer through his work, collaborations, and friendships featuring interventions from Penny Arcade, Ames Hodges, and McKenzie Wark; and a screening of Lotringer’s film The Man Who Disappeared (2015).

With special thanks to Iris Klein and Chris Kraus.

Sylvère Lotringer, The Man Who Disappeared
2015, 49 minutes
In The Man Who Disappeared, Sylvère Lotringer gives a personal artistic response to Antonin Artaud’s journey to Ireland in 1937.. Shot on location on the island of Inishmore with the help of Irish collaborators, the film imagines the ten days Artaud spent on the windswept Aran Islands prior to his descent into madness and deportation to France in a straitjacket.

Admission is free; please register here as capacity is limited.

The event will also be livestreamed on this same page.

For more information, contact

Publishing, Memorials & Obituaries

Ames Hodges is a longtime collaborator of Semiotext(e) where he was translator of Alain Joxe, The Empire of Disorder (2002), Jean Baudrillard, The Conspiracy of Art: Manifestos, Interviews, Essays (2005), Gilles Deleuze, Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews 1975-1995 (with Mike Taormina, 2007), Jean Baudrillard and Marc Guillaume, Radical Alterity (2008), Jean Baudrillard, The Agony of Power (2010), Paul Virilio, The Administration of Fear (2012), Felix Guattari, Psychoanalysis and Transversality: Texts and Interviews 1955-1971 (2015), and Eric Alliez and Maurizio Lazzarato, Wars and Capital (2018) among other books.

McKenzie Wark is the author of, among other things, A Hacker Manifesto (Harvard), Gamer Theory (Harvard), The Beach Beneath the Street (Verso), and Raving (Duke). She teaches at The New School in New York City. She edited the “trans | fem | aesthetics” issue of e-flux journal and coedited the “Black Rave” issue, with madison moore.

Penny Arcade (a.k.a. Susana Ventura) is a performance artist, writer, poet, and experimental theater maker whose work has influenced generations of artists all over the world. With a career spanning over 50 years, Penny is the author of over 16 full-length works and hundreds of solo performance pieces. Since 1999 with longtime collaborator Steve Zehentner she has co-helmed the oral history video project Stemming The Tide Of Cultural Amnesia: The Lower East Side Biography Project, where she interviews highly self-individuated people then edits herself out to create a one-on-one experience for the general public. It has broadcast and streamed weekly since 1999. The LES Bio Project along with much of her work—plays, talks, poetry, and special livestreamed events—are available by donation on her Patreon site. Bad Reputation, a hardcover book on Penny’s work, was published by Semiotext(e)/MIT in 2010.

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