Spring 2016 public programme

Spring 2016 public programme

University of Gothenburg

“River of Light” manifestation, UN World Day of Social Justice. Part of the 150 years celebration of Valand Academy. Photo: Saria Dalain, 2016.
April 7, 2016
Spring 2016 public programme

Valand Academy
University of Gothenburg
Vasagatan 50


The students and staff of the Valand Academy are pleased to announce the spring 2016 public programme, including advance notice of the three day mobilisation “What is Feminist Pedagogy?”, marking the closing of Valand’s 150th anniversary year in the fall 2016. The public programme includes exhibitions, screenings and seminars, all of which are open to the public free of charge.

Valand Academy is the educational platform for artistic practice in film, photography, fine art and literature at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. For employment opportunities, visit the university website.

Seminars and public lectures

April 8
Performing Therapy
This is the third seminar within the artistic research project Performing Resistance by professor Annika Lundgren. The seminar will provide new reflections on the nature and potential of therapy as resistance, as this has been touched upon by artists, philosophers and psychiatrists. Participants include Nina Möntmann, Malin Arnell, Valentina Desideri and Yak Kallop. Bus trip from Valand Academy to undisclosed location at 10am–6pm, activities continue at Skogen 6–11pm.

April 12
Public Enquiries Symposium
The symposium, with contributions from Mary Jane Jacob, Lia Ghilardi and Kerstin Bergendal, is the third in the series that takes Park Lek as its point of departure, and seeks to profile a mode of artistic practice and enquiry that engages questions of social practice, durational-though-temporary public art, participatory dynamics, critical urbanism, democratic processes and art outside the exhibitionary complex.

April 22
The Voice and Identity
This day-long workshop initiated by researcher Anna Linder will explore the voice as material in diverse art forms, including film, video, sound and painting. Through listening exercises, viewing and discussing art works, the voice as a signifier of identity will be explored. The artist Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay will be presenting his work as part of the day.

April 25
Anatomising the Museum II
This second seminar in the series profiling experiments in museological practice and interpretation, probes the effects of interventions/incisions in museum collections by contemporary artists, and continues the investigation of critical curating and quasi-curatorial methods. Participants include Dr. Alyssa Grossman, Henrik Holm, Dr. Joanne Morra, Dr. Claire Robins, and others.

The event is part of the programme for the exhibition Helt sjukt! (Totally Sick!), by the MFA: Fine Art Programme year one, at Medicinhistoriska Museet in Gothenburg. From April 22 until May 12.

Exam exhibitions and film screening

April 18
Film screening
BFA Film
Bio Roy, Gothenburg
Screenings: 3:30–10pm

April 23 
Thesis exibition opening
BFA Photography
Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg
Exhibition Period: April 24–May 22

April 28
Thesis exhibition opening
BFA Fine Art
Vasagatan 33, Gothenburg
Exhibition period: April 29–May 15

April 29
Thesis exhibition opening
MFA Fine Art & MFA Photography 

Göteborgs Konsthall, Gothenburg
Exhibition period: April 30–May 22

Advanced notice for fall 2016

150 years of Critical Art Education in Gothenburg
During the 2015–16 academic year, the staff and students of Valand Academy are marking the anniversary of the Gothenburg Museum Drawing School, established October 1865. The art school has developed to become the Valand Academy at the University of Gothenburg—providing education, supporting artistic development and leading research in artistic practice. The platform Meaning Making Meaning, March 16–April 2, followed from the conference “Critical Practices: Education from Art and Artists” that initiated the anniversary celebrations in 2015.

October 12–14
“What is Feminist Pedagogy?”
Three days of mobilisation

These three days of mobilisation will serve as a closing event of the 150 year anniversary.

November 25
Open day at Valand Academy
An opportunity to meet teachers and students, visit studios, workshops, art exhibitions, guided tours and learn about education in film, photography, fine art and literature.

Contact: Paulin Nande, [email protected]


Spring 2016 public programme of the Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg

RSVP for Spring 2016 public programme
University of Gothenburg
April 7, 2016

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University of Gothenburg will be in touch.


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