galeria elba benitez at Art Basel Miami Beach

galeria elba benitez at Art Basel Miami Beach

Elba Benítez Gallery

Carlos Garaicoa, Prêt-à-porter, 2011.
November 28, 2011

Hall A, Booth K05

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thursday, December 1–Sunday, December 4, 2011

galería elba benítez is pleased to announce its presence at Art Basel Miami Beach, where the gallery presents work by:

Ignasi Aballí (Barcelona, Spain, 1958) traces the elusive marks left by the passage of time in works that use an eclectic range of unconventional materials such as dust, corrosion, newspaper clippings, shredded banknotes or typewriter correction fluid: the delicate visual poetry that emerges is instilled with a haunting yet unsentimental sense of absence and ephemerality. Aballí’s diverse work includes language-based pieces, conceptually-orien­ted sculptures, paintings and photographs.

Carlos Bunga (Oporto, Portugal, 1976) creates process-oriented works—installations, performances, video, drawings—that refer to and intervene in their architectural surroundings. While often using ordinary, unassuming materials such as packing cardboard and adhesive tape, the resulting finished works involve an extreme degree of aesthetic care and delicacy, as well as a conceptual complexity derived from the inter-relationship between doing and undoing, between unmaking and remaking. At this moment is having a solo show at the Hammer Museum in LA.

Carlos Garaicoa (Cuba, 1967) see image above. Creates work that is characterized by an intense engagement with contem­porary architecture and cities, and in particular with his native Havana. Incorporating architectural models, photos, drawings, video and language, Garaicoa’s wide-ranging yet highly personal work is at all times imbued with an exquisite execution and a carefully-controlled aesthetics that manage to invoke poetry as well as politics.

Mario García Torres. The research-driven work of Mario García Torres (Mexico, 1975) approaches art history as an artistic material in itself. His  work includes photographic presentations, conceptual installations and language-based pieces, and frequently revisits the overlooked interstices in the art of recent generations. But while rooted in research, Garcia Torres’s lively and intriguing finished works actively invoke the artist’s individual presence, thus entering in, partaking of and ultimately extending the very history under revi­sion.

Cristina Iglesias (San Sebastian, Spain, 1956) has compiled a rich and varied body of sculptures, sculptural environ­ments and photo-based works that combine material texture, literary sources, light and shadow. In Iglesias’s work, intentional ambiguity and the viewer’s immediate physical presence combine to create a nuanced interaction with architectural settings. Major public commissions include the ceremonial gate to the Prado Museum in Madrid, Estancias Sumergidas (an underwater sculpture in Baja California), and Deep Fountain at the Leopold de Wael’s square, in Antwerp, Belgium.

Vik Muniz (Sao Paulo, 1961) creates meticulously crafted visual puns and games, delighting viewers with his invention and playfulness while at the same time raising more thoughtful questions about the nature and mechanics of illusion and representation. Muniz frequently draws with unusual materials such as chocolate, ash, dirt, or bits of paper, creating trompe l’oeill renderings (often of iconic artworks and photographs) which he later photographs into his own, final art work.

Francesc Torres (Barcelona, Spain, 1948) A pioneer of installation art in the 1970′s, he has been a key contributor to international art for the last four decades. Torres’s work has ranged from his early, conceptually-structured and poetically-oriented sculptural installations to his more recent extensive multi-media projects that explore themes of memory, power, politics and history.

For further information and visuals, please contact the gallery. During the fair we can be reached at +1 786 253 9823, +1 305 505 3411.

RSVP for galeria elba benitez at Art Basel Miami Beach
Elba Benítez Gallery
November 28, 2011

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Elba Benítez Gallery will be in touch.


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