Spring/Summer 2019
April 5–June 28, 2019
City Center
40 South 7th Street, Suite 208
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Hours: Monday–Friday 10am–6pm
April 5-19, 2019: Hanne Lippard, Inefficiencies
Readings by Miriam Karraker, Chris Martin, Lara Mimosa Montes, and Mary Moore Easter
The donut circumscribes a hole without content
Once it is devoured, both its nontent and form cease to exist
Adjacent to the space
Is an option of descent and ascent
A slow move
In the wrong direction
Will get you into trouble
April 22–May 10, 2019: FORT, The Calling
In the bustling, corporate climate of the skyways mostly frequented by workers on their way to the office, to meetings, or lunch, FORT’s The Calling shows a contrasting environment, that of employees fast asleep at their workplaces. While sleep has historically been considered a time and space to rest and regenerate the body, to evoke dreaming, perhaps even fantasizing, in our late capitalist society sleep is often a reaction to an overdose of work… or life, and seen as a dysfunction. Wide-spread phenomena in capitalist societies like exhaustion, burn out, or depression manifest themselves in sometimes day-long sleep. The employees in The Calling all seem to have collapsed into a very deep sleep, possibly triggered by exhaustion. While the technical devices around them continue to work, the human bodies are out, completely dysfunctional for the work context and a mirror to the busy dynamics of the skyways.
May 13-31, 2019: Christine Sun Kim, Z and be seen
Christine Sun Kim will appropriate the ASL (American Sign Language) slogan “You true biz,” which loosely means “You exist and we see you,” for a banner and billboard as a means to provide broader visibility for ASL. ASL has several writing systems but none of them are considered an official equivalent to written English. Installed on downtown Minneapolis’ main axis, Hennepin Avenue, as well as in the city’s corporate skyway system, Kim’s message will infiltrate the spaces otherwise reserved for advertising.
May 31, 2019: Kebap Benzin & FRZNTE, Hyper Hyper
An unholy marriage of the greatest bangers and yourself, in the surgical spotlight of a most intimate Karaoke nightmare. Part Submission, part Domination, absolute inhalation of noble gases. The taboo art form of participatory performance has never been so accessible, never have the stakes been so low. It’s your party, your body, your pogo stick to ride to Valhalla at the Hyper Hyper.
“The only event in Berlin where helium is a performance enhancing drug” –A Veteran of the Italian Juggalo Scene
June 3-28, 2019: Liz Magic Laser with Cori Kresge and Hanna Novak, User Friendly
a performative workshop and audio installation
In an exclusive guided experience, performer and healing practitioner Cori Kresge will lead participants through a dynamic exploration of breath, sight and touch to radically reimagine our relationship to the screen. User Friendly draws on the artists’ research into current practices of “biohacking”, ecstatic movement and mind-expanding corporate retreats. Participants will be led through hand-and-eye conditioning exercises, breathwork, and meditative visualizations, which will draw on the corporate mall-like vistas of the skyways.
June 15-16, 2019: Creamcake, Euromall
Panel & DJ night at Honey
with: Alobhe, Bazoga, Fauna, Larry, Anna Hankings-Evans, Steph Kretowicz, and Aleksandra Lakić
Upcoming programming:
July 2019: Kinga Kielczynska
August 2019: Elske Rosenfeld
September 2019: Pétunia (Valérie Chartrain, Dorothée Dupuis, Lili Reynaud-Dewar)
October 2019: Nora Turato
*Special projects:
Skyway outfits by Philipp Rupp
Skyway furniture by OOIEE
Web interventions by Jonas Lund
Goethe Pop Up Minneapolis Goethe in the Skyways is a year-long-program of artistic actions, interventions, and manifestations in public, semi-public, and private space in the frame of the “Year of German-American Friendship” initiative in 2018/19 in the US.
For 12 months, the Goethe Pop Up Minneapolis occupies a space in the city’s futuristic skyway system, an 18-kilometer-long indoor artificial gangway and pedestrian bridge network constructed in the 1960s that is still the longest of its kind in the world today.
Sandra Teitge, Director
Sarah Petersen, Artistic Producer
Daniel Shinbaum, Production Assistant
Valérie Chartrain, Managing editor/creative advisor