Climate, art, discourse unplugged
August 13–September 13, 2020
Niederkirchnerstraße 7
10963 Berlin
Where can we land? Taking Bruno Latour’s eponymous essay on climate change as a starting point, the multi-disciplinary project “Down to Earth” examines a system, in which our own actions are continually meshed with those of many other agencies: “the Earth with its thousand folds”. What can we observe and what happens, if we apply the proposals in Latour’s book to exhibition practice: by questioning and renewing the standard practices of our operating systems, by disclosing our emissions, consumption levels and by keeping them as low as possible? The four-week unplugged programme “Down to Earth” at the Gropius Bau will bring together artists and experts in sustainability, and present visual art, live work, talks, workshops and spontaneous interventions on other forms of being—in the Latourian sense—worldly and grounded. Without electricity, loudspeakers, videos, screens, air travel or spotlights, but with daylight, heat, recycled materials, unplugged music, dance, exhibits on the themes of the ocean, Gaia, puddles, the living earth, a sawn-up Porsche and modern rituals, in the spirit of Latour, Margulis, Lovelock and the Shipibo.
With Frédérique Aït-Touati with Bruno Latour and Guests (SPEAP, Zone Critique), Kay Andrees, Kader Attia, Peter Berz, Luca Di Blasi, Norbert Boenigk, Joachim Borner, Kerstin Burghaus, Grit Bürgow, Filipa César / Louis Henderson, François Chaignaud & Marie-Pierre Brébant, Marco Clausen, Johannes Comeau Milke, Steven Corcoran, Grischa Dallmer, Agnes Denes, Immanuel Dorn, Tiffany Düvier, Jan Edler & Tim Edler, Duncan Evennou, Ensemble Extrakte, Shelley Etkin, Maja Chiara Faber, Henry Farkas, Andreas Frädrich, Franziska Freitag, Vibha Galhotra, Christopher Garthe, Simryn Gill, Jared Gradinger & Angela Schubot, Albrecht Grüß, Andreas Gursky, Joschka Härdtner, Benedikt Haerlin, Klaus-Peter Handke, Cornelis F. Hemmer, Louis Henderson, Femke Herregraven, Christian Heymann, Louise Höjer, Yngve Holen, Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Selina Kahle, Mansour Ciss Kanakassy, Koo Jeong A, Jürgen Krauss, Rüdiger Kruse, Lukasz Kuni, Alicja Kwade, Brandon LaBelle, Patrick Laffont de Lojo, Michelle-Marie Letelier, Armin Linke, Robert Lippok, Diego Maronese, Konstanze Meyer, Marion Müller, Marina Naprushkina, Thomas Oberender, Hermann E. Ott, Jean Painlevé, Khien Phuc, Kirsten Pieroth, Asad Raza, Michela Rota, Tomás Saraceno, Birgit Schattling, Karin Schönberger, Isabell Schrickel, Carla Schulte-Fischedick, Dorothea Schwierskott, Eric Schulz, Tino Sehgal, Claire Vivianne Sobottke, Miriam Simun, Himali Singh Soin, Kerstin Stark, Anja Steglich, Stegreif Orchester, Joulia Strauss, Meg Stuart, David Soin Tappeser, Mathilde ter Heijne, Sissel Tolaas, Tim Jonas Urbanek, Marcus Vietzke, Andrea Voets, Corinna Vosse, Andreas Weber, Peter Weibel, Ralf Weiß, Peter Wilhelm, Susanne Winter, Bartosz Żurowski
Initiated by Thomas Oberender
Co-curated by Julia Badaljan, Thomas Oberender, Anja Predeick, Tino Sehgal, Jeroen Versteele
Curatorial associates Frédérique Aït-Touati, Descha Daemgen, Stefanie Hessler, Marc Pohl, Joulia Strauss
An exhibition organised by Berliner Festspiele as part of the programme series Immersion
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presse [at]
T +49 30 254 89-267