May 31 – June 22, 2008
Opening May 30, 2008
Maria Theresien Str. 34
A-6020 Innsbruck
at Kunstraum Innsbruck, Austria
May 31 – June 22 2008
Julieta Aranda, Tjorg Douglas Beer, Bozidar Brazda, Iris van Dongen, Tine Furler, Andreas Hofer, Christian Jankowski, John Kleckner, Annika Larsson, Joep van Liefland, Erik van Lieshout, Christopher Miner, Anna Parkina, Daniel Pflumm, Patrick Rieve, Kirstine Roepstorff, RothStauffenberg, Malte Urbschat, Costa Vece
Galerie im Regierungsviertel and Autocenter Berlin are pleased to present their collaborative exhibition THE END WAS YESTERDAY – PART II at Kunstraum Innsbruck from May 31 to June 22, 2008.
THE END WAS YESTERDAY – PART II brings together an international group of 19 contemporary artists depicting various post-apocalyptic phenomena. The exhibition takes place in a world which has already come to an end and deals with the state between apocalypse and an immediate attempt of reorientation.
Entering the exhibition, there is a stranded, extra-terrestrial object breaking through the wall of the space (Roth Stauffenberg) and Christian Jankowskis Film Angels of Revenge (2006), a profile of unarticulated self-realizations, discharging in abysmal horror-persona.
Patrick Rieve visualises himself from another perspective in a hopeless claustrophobic situation and thus points to the dark sides of contemporary culture, while in her video Pirates (2006/2007), Annika Larsson describes a static rebellious youth movement and Andreas Hofer’s work depicts weapons used in a fight in the future, historicizing them like artefacts from departed worlds.
Tjorg Douglas Beers Installation THANKSGIVIN/MANÖVERGRILL 03 (2008), made from paper figures and painted mirrors attends to hyperparanoid behavioural patterns from politics and society and turns them into a grotesque scenario.
As a central element in the space looms stalactite-like the monumental sculpture Dead Star Diamond (2001-2006) by Kirstine Roepstorff collaging the exploitations of the world and counteracted by sculptural figurations made out of studio garbage by Costa Vece.
Erik van Lieshout’s expressionist drawings and collages merge pornography and street culture with a range of figures from current political coherences into an futile testimony of todays society, and an installation by Joep van Lieflands shows the experimental film Donald Judd Faces of Death (2008) and invites you to a filmic landscape without sound or objects in which cool minimalism relates to shock’nmentary and exploitation film elements. Julieta Aranda carries the absurdity of the perception of time to extremes by commenting on the adjustment of the international date line as a pseudo-utopic solution by the Pacific Archipelago of Kirbati and hence questions the very basic agreement on which our modern exhcanges are based.
Thus THE END WAS YESTERDAY – PART II becomes a survey of post-apocalyptic phenomena and a reversal-accelerator of troubled times.
Dates May 31 – June 22, 2008
Opening May 30, 2008
Organised by Galerie im Regierungsviertel Berlin, Autocenter and Kunstraum Innsbruck.
Kunstraum Innsbruck
Maria Theresien Str. 34
A-6020 Innsbruck