October 9, 2021–March 6, 2022
In the framework of beuys 2021: 100 jahre joseph beuys of the State of NRW:
With the figure of the shaman that Joseph Beuys cultivated throughout his career as its starting point, this exhibition focuses on “techno-shamanistic” artistic positions today. The artists in question not only regard shamanism as a technology in its own right, they also use other (speculative) technologies to seek out shamanic energies. Many of the tropes that Beuys so iconically employed to heal and transform society, to cultivate a spiritual connection with the environment, to overcome the power and the logic of capital are now deployed by contemporary artists, who thus update his strategies and questions for the digital age.
A soft opening of the exhibition will take place on October 8, 2021 from 5pm including a livestream from 8pm. More info here.
Morehshin Allahyari, Joseph Beuys, Mariechen Danz, Anja Dornieden & Juan David González Monroy, Lucile Olympe Haute, knowbotiq, Sahej Rahal, Tabita Rezaire, Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten, Transformella (aLifveForm fed and cared for by JP Raether), Suzanne Treister and Anton Vidokle.
The exhibition is funded by:
Stiftung Kunstfonds
Kunststiftung NRW
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW
The HMKV is funded by:
Stadt Dortmund / Dortmunder U
Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW
In the framework of:
beuys 2021
Media partner:
Kaput Mag - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop