PROJECT ROOM | A show without works

PROJECT ROOM | A show without works

Spazio Lima

March 10, 2005

Project Room
A show without works

18-24 March, 2005

Opening: Friday 18 March, 6:30 pm

Spazio Lima 
via Masera di fronte al civico 10, Milan

The exhibition Project Room. A show without works | Una mostra senza opere, curated by Daniele Perra, bares the inner workings of the creativity behind art, exposing the processes that form the work’s foundation, recounting them and explaining their genesis.

When we visit a contemporary art exhibition, we find ourselves before the works, which are often quite difficult to interpret, and we observe them without understanding the process that generated them. Between a chopped-up cow immersed in formaldehyde and a replica of the Pope blindsided by a meteorite, it’s legitimate to ask questions.
Project Room challenges the usual exhibition routine and decides to not exhibit executed art works but rather offers ten self-interviewing videos by as many artists, who speak openly about a piece they are working on, or a visionary project they want to realize, or about their creative process.

The dreams, ambitions, and investigations of the international artists Marc Bauer, Whitney Bedford, Yael Davids, Jean-Pascal Flavien, Annalisa Furnari, Ryan Gander, Jeremie Gindre, Loredana Longo, Bas Louter and Christian Rainer are contained in ten monitors spread through three rooms at Spazio Lima. Their narrating voices will help the public imagine their future aesthetic scenarios.
Project Room is also an opportunity to plot a map of international creativity for the generation of artists born between 1968 and 1978, from the Netherlands, Italy, UK, Switzerland, France and US. The narrations underscore analogies and differences, whether between the cultural identities of the geographical areas involved or in the use of different media: photography, drawing, painting, video, sculpture, sound and performance. Among these differences, however, there stands out a common and significant element: the strong sense of planning that these artists’ working methods have in common.

Although Project Room could also be a starting point for a future “traditional” exhibition, an idea for people in search of new talent, the project’s objective is to feed the visitors’ curiosity, urging them to reflect on the complex mechanisms that are at the foundation of a work of art.

The exhibition is being held to coincide with MICAM The shoe event and is financed by the shoe manufacturer ROBERTO DEL CARLO, here sponsoring a contemporary art event for the first time. This is an important example of how the best of present-day Italian entrepreneurship can make a solid contribution to the growth and diffusion of contemporary art in a broader public arena.
The exhibition is also realized with the support of the Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam.

Roberto Del Carlo is a shoemaking company that works with passion and has a specific philosophy: to realize a product qualitatively high in contemporary design. The accessories designed by Roberto Del Carlo, the company’s creative brain, are expressions of pure luxury where material and style are the most important labels. The collection, produced with traditional craft techniques at the Lucca headquarters, is distributed in select boutiques and department stores and represents one of the most sought-after expressions of the “made in Italy” slogan worldwide.
Lima is an independent space dedicated to contemporary art with a particular interest in the interstices toward other arenas such as music, live media, performing arts, design and style. Born in 2002 as the space for studioper and xing, an architectural and design studio respectively, which have operated in Milan since the ’80s and consist of a team of professionals and curators distinguished by their interdisciplinary regard of contemporary culture and activities in organization, consulting, event production, publications and projects for companies and cultural institutions.
Daniele Perra is an art critic and curator. The Managing Editor of the contemporary art magazine tema celeste, he also writes for the Sunday edition of IlSole24ore. His last exhibition was the first Italian solo show of the Swiss-Iranian artist Shahryar Nashat at the Ex-Macelli in Prato, realized in cooperation with the Centro d’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci.
Marc Bauer
Born in 1975 in Switzerland. Lives and works in Brussels and Amsterdam.
Info: Whitney Bedford
Born in 1976 in the USA. Lives and works in Los Angeles.
Info: Yael Davids
Born in 1968 in Israel. Lives and works in Amsterdam.
Info: Jean-Pascal Flavien
Born in 1971 in France. Lives and works in Berlin.
Info: Annalisa Furnari
Born in 1969 in Italy. Lives and works in Catania. Ryan Gander
Born in 1976 in UK. Lives and works in London.
Info: Jeremie Gindre
Born in 1978 in Switzerland. Lives and works in Geneva.
Info: Loredana Longo
Born in 1967 in Italy. Lives and works in Catania. Bas Louter
Born in 1972 in the Netherlands. Lives and works in Amsterdam. Christian Rainer
Born in 1976. Lives and works in Italy and France.
Title: Project Room. A show without works | Una mostra senza opere; curated by Daniele Perra Opening 18 March 6:30 p.m. On show: from 18 to 24 March Hours: 19 and 20 March from 6:00 p.m. till 9:00 p.m.; from 21 to 24 March from 2:30 p.m. till 7:30 p.m. Where: Spazio Lima, via Masera di fronte al civico 10, Milan Lima Press Office: Elena Bari, e-mail:, cell: 0039 328 9781241 Roberto Del Carlo Press Office: Andrea Pilastro,, Tel. 0039 02 45487375
Info: Tel. 0039 02 89697501;;

RSVP for PROJECT ROOM | A show without works
Spazio Lima
March 10, 2005

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