International application deadline: December 12, 2021
Inland opens a call for its Inland Academy annual postgraduate programme on art, territories and social change. Students can apply to the 2022 course that will operate from diverse locations and projects where Inland is engaging, such as documenta 15 or the World Alliance of Nomadic Peoples, combining theory, practice and varied contributions from experts in agro-ecology, cultural local activation and contemporary art.
“Given: Art as a branch of agriculture.
1. We must farm to sustain life.
2. We must fight to protect life.
3. Farming is one aspect of the social-political-economic struggle…”
–Carl Andre, Artforum, New York, September 1970.
Inland Academy is a new learning space, in the form of an independent postgraduate programme, which will run from January to September 2022, offering tools, theoretical bases and expertise to define and develop projects that examine and reinvent power dynamics around rurality and conventional contemporary art, bringing together academic and vernacular knowledge through cultural and agroecological praxis. Inland Academy opens a space for learning and mutual support for action in the face of eco-social crises, in a blended format.
Inland Academy will use a dual methodology incorporating both theory and practice. It takes Inland’s ongoing initiatives and spaces of agroecological and cultural practice as an expanded campus, as well as its connection to different projects and established art institutions, approaching the students’ potential from a holistic mentoring perspective. Inland has bases in Madrid, Mallorca and Northern Spain, is part of the Lumbung network of documenta fifteen, and activates spaces and networks such as the Iberoamerican network SENDA, Europe and Caucasus network of Confederacy of Villages and the World Alliance of Nomadic and Mobile Indigenous Peoples. These contexts work as living labs to access vernacular and a-scientific wisdom, re-establishing forms of value for theoretical frames, action-research and rural extension methodologies, constituting a background to create new sustainable spaces for life, applied composed knowledges, and advanced artistic practices.
Our programme will have an interdisciplinary faculty composed of university staff, creators, cultural professionals, researchers and rural agents, all of whom are experienced practitioners and accomplished scholars such as Hito Steyerl, Lucia Pietroiusti, Ben Vickers, Natasa Petresin, Stephen Wright, Jakko Pallasuo, Kathryn Weir, Valentina Desideri, RuangRupa, Adam Sutherland, Elizabeth Povinelli, Jaime Vindel Gamonal, Marisol de la Cadena, and others. Personal tutoring is carried out by Inland team members and collaborators including Fernando Garcia Dory, Amelie Aranguren, David Prieto Serrano, Alex Alonso Diaz, Sergio Bravo, and Ana Pardo.
As an Inland Academy student, you will have access to the course seminars held across monthly intensive weekend sessions (Friday to Sunday, and in some cases one or two more days), alternating with face-to-face classes, key-note lectures and field visits. In parallel you will be able to develop a modeling project, a process organised in working groups, mentored by a member of the faculty or the Inland team with a deep understanding of the main area of interest for each project, with whom the participants will have bi-monthly meetings. Inland Academy follows Inland’s interdisciplinary programmes of knowledge and training, such as New Curriculum and the Shepherd School, that for the last ten years have been predicated on in-depth, interdisciplinary and adaptable knowledge accumulation around collective new paths for land-based artistic and research practices.
Inland offers a series of full grants and half grants in specific cases—such as, being developing a farming activity or belonging to an indigenous constituency with other considerations as well—that makes this unique educational program accessible to admitted students.
Inland Academy students can also expand the power of their postgraduate with an active engagement in Inland activity, joining any of the different ongoing projects of Inland, a learning opportunity for a variable amount of time depending on the available possibilities of the participant.
International application deadline: December 12, apply here.
Learn more about Inland Academy.
The Inland Academy project benefits from the generous support of [N.A!] Project, Andrés Serra, Serpentine Galleries (London), Royal Botanical Garden of Edinburgh, Madre Museum (Naples), Baltic Gateshead Museum (Newcastle), Grizedale Arts, other members of the Confederacy of Villages network, the faculty and many other individuals.