An Anthology of the Moving Image
POINT OF VIEW: An Anthology of the Moving Image
Francis Alys, David Claerbout, Douglas Gordon, Gary Hill, Pierre Huyghe, Joan Jonas, Isaac Julien, William Kentridge, Paul McCarthy, Pipilotti Rist, Anri Sala
Contact: BICK Productions
t: (212) 941-8025
image: Anri Sala, I Love You, signed limited edition photo, 2003
Point of View: An Anthology of the Moving Image is an answer to the need for accessibility to the work of some of the most important artists working in video, film and digital imagery today. Audiences have come to know and respond to this work through large-scale installations in museums, galleries and international biennials. As a selective survey of the field, Point of View provides the broad range of ideas and approaches that are typical of the medium, from artists both established and emerging. Point of View is nearing completion and will be available to the public in late February 2004 and unveiled in an exhibition at the New Museum of Contemporary Art.
Point of View will serve as a point of entry to contemporary video work and as an ongoing resource that may be used to study, compare and review the work that is coming to define the 21st century. The anthology will be used worldwide; in film and video departments of major museums, art schools and university art departments, as well as by the individual, requiring only a monitor and DVD player.
Point of View consists of 11 DVDs-one for each of the participating artists. Each DVD includes a five minute original artwork commissioned for this project, an in-depth interview conducted by either Dan Cameron of the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York, or Hans Ulrich Obrist of the Musee d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, a library of images from earlier works by the artist as well as bibliographical material.
The first run of the edition will be 1500 copies. By making this an unlimited edition, the anthology becomes affordable and accessible to a wide audience. Point of View will be available in six languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Japanese.
Members of the public, as well as cultural institutions, universities and libraries, are invited to reserve a copy of Point of View before it is completed in February 2004. By doing so at this early stage, pre-publication purchasers will receive a limited edition photograph by Anri Sala as a gift.
Producers: BICK Productions: Ilene Kurtz-Kretschmar and Caroline Bourgeois; New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York
Executive Producers: Jumex Collection, Mexico; Blink Digital, New York
Sponsor: The New Art Trust, San Francisco
Contact: BICK Productions
t: (212) 941-8025