Seeking new Director

Seeking new Director


Triangle - Astérides, Friche la Belle de Mai, Marseille, France. 

November 24, 2021
Seeking new Director

Application deadline: December 10, 2021, 5pm
41 rue Jobin
Friche la Belle de Mai
13003 Marseille

T +33 4 95 04 96 11

Triangle – Astérides is a contemporary art center of national interest, based at the Friche la Belle de Mai in Marseille since 1994. It has been nationally accredited and carries out its mission in the service of artists and the general public, assuming artistic and cultural projects of general interest in favor of supporting the creation, production and distribution of contemporary visual art.

Conceived from the beginning as a combination of creation and dissemination spaces, the art center includes a residency and workshop structure dedicated to research, experimentation and artistic production, where French and international artists are welcomed throughout the year. Thanks to the permanent presence of artists in its midst, the art center is a structure of proximity which offers the public access to art in the process of being made and invented. It is a place of transmission, sharing and affirmation of cultural rights where the public is recognized in the importance of its relationship to art. Triangle – Asterides deploys an annual artistic and cultural program of exhibitions and events, highlighting the diversity of today’s aesthetic production and inviting French and international artists to produce new works.

In 27 years, the art center has welcomed more than 650 artists in residence in Marseille and has produced more than 130 exhibitions in accordance with the principles of equal representation, debate and the free expression of points of
view. Triangle – Astérides accompanies artists at key moments in their careers, many of whom are now recognized on a national and international scale. Identified as one of the most innovative actors of contemporary art in Marseille and as a springboard for artists, the art center is anchored in the institutional and cultural associations network of the region. On an international scale, it is an active member of the Triangle Network, a network of artists and visual arts structures, composed of 90 partners in 41 countries, united around a vision in which the artist is central.

The art center is a founding member of the SCIC Friche la Belle de Mai. It is also a member of Provence Art Contemporain, of Plein Sud, of Art en Résidence – Réseau National, of d.c.a, the French association for the development of contemporary art centers, and of the Triangle Network.

Triangle – Astérides receives the support of the city of Marseille, the Ministry of Culture – DRAC Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the South Region – Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and the Bouches-du-Rhône department.

The contract will be governed by French labor law and the national collective agreement for artistic and cultural enterprises of January 1, 1984, extended by its decrees.

Position description
Under the authority of the Board of Directors of the Triangle – Asterides association, in accordance with its statutes, the Director will assume the following missions:

–Design of an artistic and cultural project of general interest in favor of supporting research and experimentation, creation and production, and the dissemination of contemporary visual arts (in compliance with the expectations of the label “contemporary art center of national interest” in accordance with Decree No. 2017-432 of March 28, 2017 relating to labels and agreements in the fields of performing arts and visual arts and its specifications and terms of reference, annexed to the Order of May 5, 2017).

–Implementation of the project through the following actions:
–Dynamic and forward-looking artistic programming of significant contemporary art productions and exhibitions at the Friche la Belle de Mai and in partner venues, development of the associated editorial policy

–Programming and supporting residencies for local, national, and international artists

–Cultural programming: design and development of an audience policy (especially in the local area) that promotes local involvement and attendance, as well as the implementation of innovative mediation and transmission activities, in conjunction with artistic programming and residencies, both inside and outside of the venue, in order to develop access to and participation in cultural life for as many people as possible.

–Development of the art center’s commitment and support in the construction of professional careers for national and international artists and in the promotion of good professional practices (fair remuneration, respect for their rights, equal access for women and men to programming, production tools and residencies in particular).

–Development of the art center’s commitment and support in the construction of professional careers for national and international artists and in the promotion of good professional practices (fair remuneration, respect for their rights, equal access for women and men to programming, production tools and residencies in particular).

–Development of a partnership approach and search for cooperation with the various cultural actors and local, regional and international networks.

–Managing dialogue and ensuring that the art center’s project is well integrated into the activities and missions of the SCIC la Belle de Mai, of which Triangle is a founding member and member of the Board of Directors.

–Human resources management: in compliance with legal frameworks and issues of well-being and quality of life in the workplace, leading and coordinating a team of four people.

–Ensures the proper administrative, legal and financial management of the association in accordance with the human and financial resources of the association and the dialogue with the public partners who finance the art center.

Profile required
–Proven knowledge of contemporary art, an understanding of the issues of current creation on a national and international scale.

–Experience in directing a contemporary art institution and/or notable artistic projects, including leading a team and managing a budget.

–Ability to develop an ambitious institutional vision, both artistically and in its development strategy and its relationship with the territories and partners.

–Excellent knowledge of the ecosystem of artistic creation and the conditions of practice of professions in the visual arts sector.

–Strong sensitivity to the issues of cultural rights, mediation and artistic and cultural education.

–Sense of general interest, spirit of openness and sharing, great capacity to listen and dialogue with various interlocutors. –Managerial capacity, sense of social dialogue, developed sense of initiative and organization.

–Ability to seek private and public funds.

–Sense of public relations and partnerships.

–Bilingual French-English.

–He/she will establish his/her residence in the Aix-Marseille-Provence Metropolis.

Curriculum vitae and a letter of motivation (both in French) detailing the conception of the position in relation to the expectations of the label “center of contemporary art of national interest”. Electronic format to be sent to the attention of the president of the association at the following address: administration [​at​]

Deadline for applications: December 10, 2021, 5pm (UTC+1)

Recruitment procedure
The recruitment will be carried out in two stages:

–Pre-selection of candidates will be based on their professional background and motivation.

–The pre-selected candidates will then be invited to write their artistic and cultural project (10 pages maximum, excluding annexes) for Triangle, based on an orientation note provided by the association and in relation to the specifications of the label “contemporary art center of national interest”. The shortlisted candidates will then be auditioned by a jury made up of representatives of the Triangle association, its public partners, as well as qualified visual arts professionals.

Contract details
–“Cadre autonome.”
–Salary grade “Groupe 1” according to the “convention collective nationale des entreprises artistiques et culturelles du 1er janvier 1984 ”, its amendments, and according to work experience.
–Trial period: 3 months.
–Working time: 214 days annual fee.
–Work main location : Triangle – Astérides, Friche la Belle de Mai, 41 rue Jobin, 13003 Marseille.
–Health benefit: “garantie collective complémentaire obligatoire de base.”

RSVP for Seeking new Director
November 24, 2021

Thank you for your RSVP.

Triangle—Astérides will be in touch.


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