Museum reinstates Arab-Canadian exhibition
opens 19 October 2001
Museum of Civilization, Hull
Dear friends,
Were delighted to report that the Museum of Civilization announced on Friday that it would reinstate the “The Lands Within Me: Expressions by Canadian Artists of Arab Origin,” for the original opening date of October 19. The museum directors were flooded with letters in support of the exhibition, many of which were forwarded to the writers of the original letter of protest: Rawi Hage, Jayce Salloum, and Laura Marks. EvenPrime Minister Chrétien said in the House of Commons that the museum had made the wrong decision.
We are very pleased that Aïda Kaouk, who with her assistants was preparing the exhibition for five years, will see it opened as planned. So this graceless episode in intercultural relations post-September 11 has a satisfactory conclusion.
Many thanks to all of you who wrote.
for more info:
Museum of Civilization, Hull, Québec;