Daniel Joseph Martínez
Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil
Av. Revolucion 1608 San Angel
C.P. 01000
The Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil has two main curatorial profiles, one that explores its permanent collection of Mexican painting from the first half of the Twentieth Century (Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Gunther Gerzso, Wolfgang Paalen), inviting external curators to propose new readings of this historical patrimony. The other profile focuses on temporary exhibits of Contemporary Art, both national and international.
Starting August 2001, the museum will present “Coyote, I like Mexico and Mexico likes me. Daniel Joseph Martínez in Mexico. Photographic projects 1998-2000″, a selection of recent works of the Mexican-American artist and activist Daniel J. Martínez, and “2° nivel”, a collective of drawings, video, photography and interventions by Mexican young artists (Carlos Ranc, Lorenzo Ventura, Katya Brailovsky, among others) presented in a modular space designed especially for this purpose by the architect Carlos Bartnicki.
For further information please contact:
Caterina Toscano caterinatoscano@hotmail.com