What Do We Want?
April 1–May 1, 2022
In a martial arts dojo, a Sensei asks, “What do we want?” The response “Land back! Sovereignty! Freedom!” rings out, vocalising demands of environmental, political and social concern affecting Indigenous people.
What Do We Want? expands Rennie’s evolving moving image practice into the realm of performance, and is shaped by Rennie’s own 25-year history of martial arts practice. Inspired by martial arts films including Blaxploitation movies from the 1970s, Rennie’s work presents us with urgent questions that require action and response.
Displayed in a massive three-channel video installation, the work loudly and proudly conveys the diversity of First Nations peoples, and the ongoing fight for justice that unifies them in a world premiere not to be missed.
This exhibition is presented in partnership with ACMI and Artbank. Reko Rennie is the 2020 recipient of the ACMI + Artbank Commission.
About Reko Rennie
Reko Rennie is an interdisciplinary artist who explores his Aboriginal identity through contemporary media. Through his art, Rennie provokes discussion surrounding Indigenous culture and identity in contemporary urban environments. Largely autobiographical, his commanding works combine the iconography of his Kamilaroi heritage with stylistic elements of graffiti. Merging traditional diamond-shaped designs, hand-drawn symbols and repetitive patterning to subvert romantic ideologies of Aboriginal identity.