June 30–July 3, 2022
Louis Pasteurlaan 2
9000 Ghent
We are proud to present our graduating vocational bachelors, masters and postgraduate students, class of 2022. At KASK & Conservatorium (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ghent and Howest) we celebrate this joyous occasion with a complete graduation festival (May 31–July 3). Our students present their endeavours in film, music, fashion, theatre, design and visual arts in Ghent. You can find the complete programme here.
Graduation exhibition
As part of this festival, the graduation exhibition gathers the final projects from our master and bachelor students in visual arts and design on our Bijloke Campus.
Graduation exhibition: June 30–July 3, noon–8pm.
Read more.
Meet our students
We collect our students’ final projects on the Graduation website. The digital platform makes their work accessible for a wider audience. Take a look: graduation2022.be.
About KASK & Conservatorium
KASK & Conservatorium is the school of arts of University of Applied Sciences and Arts Ghent and Howest. We offer English master programmes in visual arts, music, drama and audiovisual arts.