Rua 24 de Maio
São Paulo-
Participating artists and collectives in the 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil
Abdessamad El Montassir, Morocco; Abdul Halik Azeez, Sri Lanka; Abu Bakarr Mansaray, Sierra Leone; Adrian Paci, Albania; Agnes Waruguru, Kenya; Ali Cherri, Lebanon; Alicja Rogalska, Poland; Andrés Denegri, Argentina; Andro Eradze, Georgia; Anna Hulačová, Czechia; Antonio Pichilla Quiacain, Guatemala; Arturo Kameya, Peru; Bo Wang, China; Brook Andrew, Australia; Camila Freitas, Brazil; Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise (CATPC), Congo; Doplgenger, Serbia; Eduardo Montelli, Brazil; Euridice Zaituna Kala, Mozambique; FAFSWAG, New Zeland; Froiid, Brazil; Gabriela Pinilla, Colombia; Guadalupe Rosales, USA; Hsu Che-Yu, Taiwan; Isaac Chong Wai, Hong Kong; Iwantja Arts, Australia; Janaina Wagner, Brazil; Josué Mejía, Mexico; Julia Baumfeld, Brazil; Karel Koplimets, Maido Juss, Estonia; Kent Chan, Singapore; La Chola Poblete, Argentina; Leila Danziger, Brazil; Maisha Maene, Congo; Maksaens Denis, Haiti; Marie-Rose Osta, Lebanon; Maurício Chades, Brazil; Mayana Redin, Brazil; Mella Jaarsma, Indonesia; Moojin Brothers, South Korea; Natalia Lassalle-Morillo, Puerto Rico; Nolan Oswald Dennis, Zambia; Pamela Cevallos, Ecuador; PENG Zuqiang, China; Rodrigo Martins, Brazil; Sada [regroup], Iraq; Samuel Fosso, Cameroon; Seba Calfuqueo, Chile; Sofia Borges, Portugal; TANG Han, China; Thi My Lien Nguyen, Vietnam/Switzerland; Tirzo Martha, Curaçao; Tromarama, Indonesia; ujjwal kanishka utkarsh, India; Virgílio Neto, Brazil; Vitória Cribb, Brazil; Waly Salomão, Luciano Figueredo, Oscar Ramos, Brazil; Youqine Lefèvre, China; Zé Carlos Garcia, Brazil
Associação Cultural Videobrasil and Sesc São Paulo announce the list of artists and collectives selected for the 22nd Biennial Sesc_Videobrasil—40-Year Special, entitled “Memory is an Editing Station,” an exhibition and public program of events dedicated to the production of the Global South, to be held from October 18, 2023, through April 28, 2024, at Sesc 24 de Maio, in São Paulo.
A total of 2,319 artists from 119 countries submitted works for the open call for the 22nd Biennial. The event has artistic direction by Solange Farkas and is curated by Raphael Fonseca, from Brazil, and Renée Akitelek Mboya, from Kenya.Also part of the preselection committee were the curators Amanda Carneiro, Ana Sophie Salazar, Nomaduma Masilela, Siddharta Perez, Tereza Jindrová and Ying Kwok.
About the organizers
Associação Cultural Videobrasil
Founded by Solange Farkas in 1991, Associação Cultural Videobrasil is the result of the desire to institutionally host the growing collection of works and publications gathered since the first Festival Videobrasil, held in 1983. Since then, the association has been working systematically to activate its collection, which brings together pieces from the Global South, classics of video art and in-house works and a vast collection of publications on art. In addition to the Sesc_Videobrasil Biennial, the Association also carries out important activities of research, diffusion and mapping concerning its collection: national and international exhibitions; touring shows; publications; TV programs; documentaries; seminars; workshops and meetings with artists and researchers; and artistic residency programs, in connection with a worldwide collaborative network.
Sesc—Social Service of Commerce
Sesc—Social Service of Commerce is a private, non-profit institution created in 1946 by entrepreneurs in the fields of commerce and services throughout Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, Sesc has over 40 centers focused in the areas of culture, education, sports, leisure and health. Sesc São Paulo receives roughly 20 million visits annually. The work of Sesc São Paulo is guided by its educational role and by the pursuit of social well-being based on a broad notion of culture. In this sense, the unlimited access to the spaces and contents offered by the institution targets at the democratization of cultural assets as a form of autonomy of the individual. In the field of visual arts, the institution’s main role is to foster and disseminate the contemporary artistic production and the study of the production of previous historical periods, as well as the intersections with other artistic languages, having as its central guideline the organization of exhibitions for all audiences.areas of activity in fields of Culture, Education, Sports, Leisure and Health. Sesc São Paulo activities are guided by their educational nature and the pursuit of social welfare based on a comprehensive understanding of the term culture. In this sense, by offering full accessibility to its spaces and contents, the institution aims at the democratization of cultural assets as form of individual autonomy.
If you have any questions, email us: 22bienal [at]
Press office: a4&holofote comunicação
Ana Paula Tósca: anapaula [at]
Neila Carvalho: neilacarvalho [at]