Publishing research in art, design, and science
How can we go beyond text in communicating practice-based research at the intersections of art, design, and science? The traditional methodologies and formats of journal articles are not always adapted to research that explores sensorial and singular forms. .able is the result of observing this limitation.
.able journal reinvents the publication form by making research accessible through images. Free of charge and distributed on numerous platforms, media, and devices including formats specifically adapted for social networks, .able journal, through the immediate access it gives to visual essays, multiplies entry points to research in arts, design, and sciences, for all. Centered on the visual, this system makes the text ancillary, overturning the traditional balance between text and image. .able’s publication modalities leverage and circumvent contemporary fragmented reading patterns, allowing transitions between different devices.
As a peer-reviewed journal, .able experiments with the potentials of academic publishing, going beyond the conventions of traditional text-centric publishing to explore the many alternatives and opportunities that multimedia and multiple platforms offer. From the design of sustainable fashion or bioluminescent micro-architecture, to the dynamics of bacterial contamination or the exploration of deep sleep, .able combines academic excellence, artistic rigor, and accessibility focused on exploring contemporary sociopolitical and environmental issues in images and putting these challenges into perspective. .able offers a new publishing space for interdisciplinary research to both the academic community and the wider public. With its radical approach to publishing, the journal reinterprets the traditional publishing process.
Created at the initiative of La Chaire Arts & Sciences of the École Polytechnique, the École des Arts Décoratifs – PSL, and the Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, the journal is published by Actar Publishers and supported by some thirty international academic partners, brought together to promote and publish innovative interdisciplinary research where sensitivity is at the foreground.
A free-of-charge and open-access journal available from March 23, 2023. Also distributed on social media: @ablejournal.