A site-specific augmented exhibition in the public space of Frankfurt am Main
May 12, 2023–April 30, 2024
Crespo Studio, Berliner Straße 27, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Café Fiore, Berliner Straße 39, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Paulskirche, Paulsplatz 11, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Participating artists: Morehshin Allahyari, Tony Cokes, Flaka Haliti, Ahmet Öğüt, Tamiko Thiel & /p, and Les Trucs.
The streets and squares are crucial sites for creative and political expression. From demonstrations to monuments, advertisements, graffiti, guerilla actions, and street art, public-space activations are essential for democratic thought and action. Today, with the virtual layering of data continuously feeding through our mobile devices, every physical space is also an augmented space. To mark the 175th jubilee of the Frankfurter Nationalversammlung, the first attempt to form a freely elected German parliament, DEMO- seeks to reimagine the public space by bringing the virtual “down to earth,” anchoring it in specific places and contexts, challenging the linearity and binarity of the physical.
With visual and sonic interventions, participative installations and critical monuments, DEMO- virtually occupies specific locations across Frankfurt am Main and introduces artworks of different media that take over and augment the shared public space.
Curated by Ben Livne Weitzman.
All artworks are accessible on location via the WAVA app, free to download on Android and iOS.
Symposium: ARtificial Realities
Leading up to the opening of DEMO- is the symposium ARtificial Realities, where different aspects of artistic interventions in public space will be discussed together with Adela Demetja (Tirana Art Lab), Thomas Friemel (Augmented Bahnhofsviertel), Gloria Aino Grzywatz (peer to space), Lívia Nolasco-Rózsás (ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien), Ofili Ebube Sett (Memory Cubes), and artists Flaka Haliti, Ahmet Öğüt, and Tamiko Thiel.
The symposium, a collaboration between WAVA and NRW-Forum’s AR Biennale, will take place 1–5:30pm at the Crespo Studio, Berliner Straße 27, 60311 Frankfurt am Main. A detailed schedule can be found here.
About WAVA
DEMO- is powered by WAVA—Withstanding Audio Visual Augmentations—an emerging platform for site-specific augmented reality turning the world into an ever-changing exhibition space, developed by Ben Livne Weitzman, David Bachmann, Florian Adolph, and Grit Medea. With WAVA, artists, curators, institutions, and the broad public can easily place, share, and experience virtual artworks in specific sites and contexts, envisioning a new hybrid space that bridges the physical and virtual. Get in touch!
For press enquiries, please write to Arash Shahali.