27 galleries and more than 70 artists
September 14–17, 2023
From September 14–18, Barcelona Gallery Weekend 2023 will feature a wide-ranging programme of exhibitions and special events aimed at professionals and general public in 27 contemporary and modern art galleries in Barcelona and its surroundings:
3 Punts Galería: Pol Ballonga, María Carbonell, Paola de Grenet, Lantomo, Gerard Mas, Kiko Miyares, Alejandro Monge, Lara Padilla (Sra. D), Penrider, Santiago Picatoste, Efraïm Rodriguez, Sandra Rojo, Samuel Salcedo, Jan Schuler, Ramon Surinyac, Hirosuke Yabe/ ADN Galeria: Bouchra Khalili, Abdelkader Benchamma / Ana Mas Projects: Berta Cáccamo, Patricia Dauder / àngels barcelona: Joan Fontcuberta / Artur Ramon Art: Yolanda Tabanera / Bombon Projects: Enric Farrés Duran / Chiquita Room: Teresa Estapé / Dilalica: Stella Rahola Matutes / ethall: Martín Vitaliti / Galería Alegría: Alberto Peral García & Luis Bisbe de la Fuente / Galeria Joan Prats: Lola Lasurt / Galeria Marc Domènech: Pic Adrian, Sergi Aguilar, Erwin Bechtold, Alfons Borell, Joaquim Chancho, Joan Claret, Xaier Escribà, Joan Hernández Pijuan, Georges Noël, Ana Peters, Enric Planasdurà, José María Sicilia, Teo Soriano, Antoni Tàpies, Vicenç Viaplana / Galeria Marlborough: Anna Bella Geiger / Galería Uxval Gochez: Antonio Ortega / House of Chappaz: Fito Conesa / L21 Barcelona: Jaime Hayon / LAB 36: Oscar Abraham Pabón / Mayoral: Jordi Alcaraz / NoguerasBlanchard: Anne-Lise Coste / Palmadotze: Ignasi Aballí / ProjecteSD: Patricia Dauder / RocioSantaCruz: Oriol Vilapuig / Sala Parés: Dis Berlín / Suburbia Contemporary: Mar Hernández / Taché Art Gallery: Joan Brossa, Miguel Ángel Campano, Tony Cragg, Michael Joo, Catherine Lee, Sean Scully, Bosco Sodi, Antoni Tàpies / Víctor Lope Arte Contemporáneo: Cesc Abad / Zielinsky: Sandra Monterroso.
An extensive agenda of parallel activities will complement the exhibition programme through commented visits, talks, book presentations and special events, as well as:
Professional programme
Special gatherings, exclusive tours by local curators, customised itineraries and studio visits, among other events, aimed at collectors and art professionals for networking and getting to discover Barcelona’s artistic scene.
Walks by local curators
From a curatorial point of view, seven local curators propose seven strolls through the participating galleries.
The texts by Sara Catalán, Pilar Cruz, Mariella Franzoni, Sabel Gavaldon, Gabriel Luciani, Zaida Trallero and Veronica Valentini will serve as guides to discover the galleries’ exhibitions.
ARCO Gallery Walks
Free guided tours to the galleries with the collaboration of Fundación ARCO will bring the public closer to the artists’ workd. Info and registration here.
BGW Familiar
Alexandra Laudo, independent curator, will lead special visits for families with children to the exhibitions by Teresa Estapé at Chiquita Room and Oriol Vilapuig at RocioSantaCruz, inviting kids and adults to reflect on what they see through questions and games. Registration: bgw [at] artbarcelona.es.
Acquisitions programme
Foundations and private companies commit to incorporate into their collections at least one art piece among those exhibited at the participating galleries. BGW2023 Acquisictions Programme features the participation of Fundació Vilacasas, Blueproject Foundation and Sircle Collection.
Site-Specific Conversation x BGW2023
A series of conversations with gallerists and their artists participating BGW2023, taking Patti Smith’s novel Just Kids as reference to highlight the process of ‘growing together’ and delve into artists’ beginnings, professionalisation, coexistence with the art market’s demands, and collaboration dynamics, among other elements. Here.
exibart.es x BGW2023
The multi-channel interactive platform dedicated to contemporary art in the Spanish context will publish its fourth issue on paper on BGW2023: critiques, conversations and games revolving around the event and the concept of the city.
Barcelona Gallery Weekend, is a project by Art Barcelona.
Join us to celebrate art in the most outstanding galleries in Barcelona and its surroundings!
BGW Team here.
Press: Teresa Vallbona, premsa [at] teresavallbona.com.