Early bird registration now open
November 20–23, 2024
Lab 106, A-Lab
Overhoeksplein 2
1031KS Amsterdam
T +31 20 330 1116
Early bird registrations are now open for ELIA Biennial 2024: Arts Plural—a four-day extravaganza of ideas and interventions exploring artistic intelligence and its kaleidoscopic possibilities for change. Join ELIA and esteemed hosts, NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan, Italy from November 20–23, 2024.
This year’s theme, Arts Plural calls upon artistic practitioners, researchers, educators, students, policymakers and visionaries to define, apply, and celebrate artistic intelligence and its capacity to contribute to society in a pluralistic way.
Artists and designers possess a particular form of intelligence. Although considered powerful in certain circles, artistic intelligence is frequently ill-defined or misread. However, as a system of capacities for perception, insight, sensing, creating, and decision-making, it has been driving human evolution beyond boundaries for centuries. But how do we define artistic intelligence and its potential in a contemporary context?
Connect with international friends and colleagues, and enjoy a variety of interactive workshops, keynotes, networking moments, city tours, experiments, and artistic interventions. Explore new possibilities for art and design to influence societal transformation. Show your practice, process and power. View ELIA Biennial 2024 programme.
ELIA Biennial Conference early bird offer
Early bird institution package: ELIA member institutions have the option to purchase our Institution Package. This enables three members from your institution to join in person in Milan, and an unlimited number of colleagues and students to join online. Sign up here.
Early bird individual passes: Individual passes are available to both ELIA members and non-members. Get access to all conference sessions and events, materials, social activities and informal gatherings, networking dinners and lunches. A limited number of student passes are also available. Register here.
Early bird deadline: June 14, 2024. *Please note that the number of early bird passes are limited.
Contact ELIA Conference Manager Janja Škerget, if you need any further information.
About ELIA
ELIA is a globally connected European network that provides a dynamic platform for exchange and development in higher arts education. With over 285 members in 54 countries, it represents over 350,000 students in all artistic disciplines. Its cross-disciplinary quality makes ELIA unique as a network. ELIA advocates for higher arts education by empowering and creating new opportunities for its members, and facilitating the exchange of good practices.
See you in Milan!