John Greyson Read Bio Collapse
John Greyson is a filmmaker, video artist, writer, activist, and educator who is active in various anti-censorship, AIDS, peace, and queer activist media projects, including The Olive Project, Deep Dish TV, Blah Blah Blah, and AIDS Action Now. His contributions as a member and through service on the boards of arts organizations include Vtape Distribution, Inside Out Film/Video Festival, the Euclid Theatre, Trinity Square Video, Charles St. Video, LIFT (Liaison of Independent Filmmakers Toronto), and Beaver Hall Artists Housing Co-op. Greyson has taught film and video theory and production in Canada, the US, Cuba, and South Africa. He joined the full-time faculty in York’s Film Department in 2005, and is the author of Urinal and Other Stories (Power Plant/Art Metropole, 1993), and co-editor of Queer Looks, a critical anthology of gay/lesbian media theory (Routledge, 1993).