ABoT - Artists’ Books on Tour: Artist Competition and Mobile Museum
An EU-funded project and collaboration of the MAK VIENNA (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art), the UPM PRAGUE (Museum of Decorative Arts) and the MGLC LJUBLJANA (International Centre of Graphic Arts)For centuries, artists have expressed themselves in the field of books and printing, but adequate recognition and critical acceptance of “Artists’ Books” as a distinct genre only came in the 20th century. The ABoT project promotes contemporary art and artists working in the field with the ambition to raise more public awareness for this genre of art which is, for many artists, a central and important form of practice. We therefore offer artists a platform to share their artists’ books within a unique all-European competition for the first time.
Submissions are accepted as completed physical or digital objects as well as in the form of conceptual designs for projected works.
Outstanding works will be awarded a grant by an international jury.
Registration: December 1st, 2010 – February 28th, 2011
Submission: December 1st, 2010 – May 2nd, 2011 (postmark)
Jury session: June 2011
ABoT Award Nite in Vienna: October 11th, 2011
Touring exhibition: October 11th, 2011 – May 31st, 2012
To apply please fill in the application form online (www.abot.mak.at/applicationform) and send your work submitted to:
MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art
“Artists’ Books on Tour”
Stubenring 5
1010 Vienna
The jury will select 5 outstanding projects to be awarded a prize money of EUR 2,000 each. In addition, other notable works will receive a recognition award.
All winning projects will be shown in a travelling exhibition that will tour Vienna, Prague and Ljubljana.
For further information or questions please visit our website www.abot.mak.at, our Facebook page www.facebook.com/artistsbooksontour or contact us directly via e-mail (abot@mak.at).